First message!

Here it is!

After some time hanging around with a Flickr, a blogger, a local server, . . . I finally bought myself my own domain name.
I am lucky enough (unlucky some might say? ) to have a family name complex enough for the domain still to be free. Seems like none of my family members felt like having his website.

Why am I writing right here?
There are two major reasons :

  • I am a software engineer, with absolutely no background into web programming. I was searching for a new night playground, and I found it :).
  • As everyone, I have an online identity, created with the posts and websites I am active in. I was getting bored to stay attached to those 'close worlds' that community publishing tools are. I wanted to be able to set up my own website, from scratch and without too much guidelines. This domain name is an opportunity to put most of my publications on the net in only one place.
So be it. For now, there are only two main active parts of the site : my photo gallery, and this blog which is aimed at being kind of 'technical'. I say technical in the way that I will publish here some tips and hints I searched for as a software developer and Linux user. I simply hope that some of those tips can help someone else. As an information, the content of my old websites will in some time be dragged back in here.
