Llama : Profile activation problems
Phone going off at night? Annoying your colleagues at work? Get Llama! Tired of your phone buzzing in the middle of the night? Annoying your colleagues by having your phone blast out your ringtone at work? You need Llama!Basically, Llama detects where you are (home, work, whatever) and automatically changes your current phone settings. As an example, I use it a lot to move to plane mode at night, or activate wifi to save data while at work. For some time, I was having a lot of problems with my Llama profiles.It would change me to home while on my way to work, or keep the wifi off even at night, . . .I was about to drop the app and search for an alternative when I finally found the solution. In the Events tab, I added a new condition to my important profile (Labelled as At. . . ).In Advanced options of the selected Event, select Repeat Event and choose an interval of time. That's it. Solved all my problems. Hope some will find this useful!