adventofcode Advent of Code Day 5 : Binary representations and data classes val inits How I solved Advent of Code day 5, live, and what I learned from it.
adventofcode Advent of Code Day 4 : Kotlin TIL - require, flatMapIndexed! How I solved Advent of Code day 4, live, and what I learned from it.
kotlin Advent of Code Day 3 : Kotlin TIL - drop, filterIndexed How I solved Advent of Code day 3, live, and what I learned from it.
kotlin Advent of Code Day 2 : Kotlin TIL - regex destructuring How I solved Advent of Code day 2, live, and what I learned from it.
kotlin Advent of Code Day 1 : Kotlin TIL How I solved Advent of Code day 1, live, and what I learned from it.
development Advent of Code in Kotlin : Learnings day by day. The thread of all my solutions, day after day on how I solved Advent of Code puzzles in Kotlin! Every day I record myself, and then revisit and improve my solution to learn from them.