wfh Using the best webcam available on the market : An epoccam and camo comparison Comparing Elgato's Epoccam and Reincubate's Camo to get the best webcam setup on the market.
development A simple setup to use LitElement with tailwindcss for small projects A simple setup to use LitElement with tailwindcss for small projects.
google sheets Fetching Google Calendar data without OAuth by using Google Scripts A quick, simple and unsecure way to fetch your calendar events from Google with the help of Google Scripts and without having to use OAuth.
adventofcode Advent of Code Day 5 : Binary representations and data classes val inits How I solved Advent of Code day 5, live, and what I learned from it.
adventofcode Advent of Code Day 4 : Kotlin TIL - require, flatMapIndexed! How I solved Advent of Code day 4, live, and what I learned from it.
kotlin Advent of Code Day 3 : Kotlin TIL - drop, filterIndexed How I solved Advent of Code day 3, live, and what I learned from it.
kotlin Advent of Code Day 2 : Kotlin TIL - regex destructuring How I solved Advent of Code day 2, live, and what I learned from it.
kotlin Advent of Code Day 1 : Kotlin TIL How I solved Advent of Code day 1, live, and what I learned from it.
development Advent of Code in Kotlin : Learnings day by day. The thread of all my solutions, day after day on how I solved Advent of Code puzzles in Kotlin! Every day I record myself, and then revisit and improve my solution to learn from them.
cloud Thoughts on using Docker in the cloud for side projects Why are cloud provider barebones Docker container solutions so expensive to run? This makes them virtually unsuitable for side projects.
java Paginate results in a command line application using picoCLI In this article, I describe a way to paginate results in picocli applications.
raspberry Building a wine cellar monitoring system - Part 2 : Creating a native Java library In this article, we will to create a native library so that our C driver can be used from Java. We will also create a jar that includes the library. We generate our outputs using Github Actions with the help of cross-compilation and even publish our jars there as packages!
iot Building a wine cellar monitoring system - Part 1 : The hardware and setup In this series of posts, we'll see how to build a wine cellar monitoring system sending data to the #cloud with some #iot, #timeseries and #microservices on a #raspberrypi. Is that enough buzzwords yet?
docker Reducing our Carbon Docker image size further! Second post of the series, we keep diving into more ways to reduce our Docker image size. Let's see how we manage to reach a factor 10!
docker Reducing Docker's image size while creating an offline version of Creating a docker image of that is as small as possible, step by step so we can create beautiful snippets offline.
java Jpackage : Overview of one of Java 14's hidden gems Jpackage : Overview of one of Java 14's hidden gems. In this article we will create an installer for Minecraft using jpackage.
kotlin Some fun with Kotlin, Exposed and MySQL Some lessons learned from playing around with Kotlin, Exposed, SQL and the iMDB datasets.
google My dialog flow and PSD2 talk at @JFuture This post lists the recording and resources of my IOT Talk at JFuture.
conference Introvert? Try speaking at a conference! This post reflects on my experience as an (introvert) conference speaker for the first time earlier this year. I got the chance to speak at JFuture in October. I really loved the experience and some of the things I learnt there really surprised me
kotlin Introducing Kotlin at ING, a long but rewarding story This article describes our journey being the first team to run Kotlin in the backend at ING (Netherlands). Hopefully this article will give you some keys on how to introduce it as well in your own large company, and reduce some of the friction you might encounter.
elm About integrating Firebase in your Elm project This article introduces an example project on how to integrate Firebase and Elm together
elm A short introduction to Ports and Flags in Elm A simple demonstration on how to work with Elm Flags and Ports, with interactive code
meetup Creating communities : Consistency is paramount As part of my job as IT Chapter Lead at ING, I am responsible for the 'mastery' of my chapter members. What that means is that I need to make sure they are basically on top of their game, and keep growing (in the direction they want!). I
gitlab Gitlab Time in Lane : a chrome extension I built a simple chrome extension to know how long gitlab issues have been sitting in the same lane.